Our Philosophy

                  It is extremely important to us, that our animals be treated the absolute best that they can be. On the page where we introduced you to our herd, the animals that are the parents, are our pets and they will be on our farm until they take their last breath. It will be our top priority that every animal in our care, receive the best care that we can provide. We also understand that some of the animals in our care, are here for a purpose, however, that does not change our care for them. We are extremely grateful to them for what they provide to us and therefore, our animals are treated with love, kindness, compassion and thankfulness, no matter how long they are with us.          

                  We have always taught our children and grandchildren to treat animals with kindness and we will continue to do so. We fully understand the circle of life. But I would much rather have an animal sit on my plate that was treated with love and kindness from my own farm versus an animal sit on my plate that was pumped full of chemicals to get the biggest he could be to maximize someone’s greed and never know compassion or kindness and only know suffering and misery.

                  That is truly why we started our own private label to sell to the public. The way the animals are treated that end up at our grocery stores and full of who knows what hormones, vaccines and chemicals to maximize profits, with labels that you can’t trust. It is so horrible and heart breaking. When you purchase products from Honey Creek Cattle Company, we personally guarantee that nothing was treated with cruelty.


Why Shorthorns?

                  When I choose shorthorns all those years ago, it was truly because I only loved the looked of the roan shorthorn at the Iowa State Fair, which is an absolutely, RIDICULOUS reason to choose any animal. However, when Eric agreed with the decision, it is because they actually are a wonderful breed with amazing beef to go along with it. Here are just a few things about shorthorn cattle and beef.

                  Shorthorns tend to be extremely docile and have great temperaments, therefore they are easy to handle, even the bulls. Although, you should always use caution around any bull (which we do). They tend to be fertile and calve easy. Which is our case, has been true. We have only had trouble a few times but have been very fortunate when it comes to our girls calving. Shorthorns tend to be GREAT mothers and our truly are! Our girls are some of the best mothers and really care after all of the calves. They grow quickly (rate of gain) and a high feed conversion, which is great for us (the grower). They also tend to live nice long lives and have strong, healthy immune systems!

                  As for their meat, you will be hard pressed to find another breed that is more consistent in flavor and quality than the shorthorns. The meat is more tender compared to other breeds and is always well marbled. You will not be disappointed!


Why Mangalitsa?

                  The things that I was looking for when I went searching for pigs, were temperament and good mothering skills. What I got – was that and the best pork that you will ever find!! Mangalitsa is the TOP PORK for multiple reasons! First – did you know that Mangalitsa pork is RED!? Not pink, like what you buy in the store – it is also marbled like beef – if you were to set a ribeye next to a mangalitsa pork roast – I don’t know if you would be able to tell the difference (look for the picture to see if you can tell the difference)

                  Mangalitsa were bred for their lard centuries ago and that lard is still amazing quality to this day. The lard is second to none and makes every bite of the meat, melt in your mouth! It is hard to even tell that what you are tasting is pork, the texture, the flavor is different than any pork that you have had before. It is not your grocery store pork. It is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It is a very versatile meat, so it is easy to smoke, grill or fry up. Once you have mangalitsa pork, you will never want your standard pink pig pork again.